Video That Makes a Reel Difference

Welcome to the ever changing world of Social Media. While some aspects are constant, like super short attention spans and high engagement, content is always evolving. However, there is one aspect that remains constant: video is king. Whether it’s a 15-second Reel, TikTok viral challenge or short Story segment, video is the #1 way to capture the attention of your audience. 

Here are some tips to help you boost your brand through video.

What are Reels, anyway? Reels are the espresso shots of the social media world — quick, packed with energy and leaves you feeling good. These under :90 video clips are designed to grab attention and engage your consumer. Unlike in-feed posts that are only shared to your followers, Reels are delivered to people who have never heard of you but have similar interests. Reels open your brand to a new, wider audience with video. Remember to keep it short, snappy and always include a clear CTA at the end!

Pro Tip: Make sure your transitions are smooth and quick for a more fluid video which is eye-catching and increases engagement! Grab the audience’s attention in the first 3 seconds.

Reels vs. Stories. While Reels play a big part in social visibility, Stories with their 24-hour lifespan are super effective for real-time, more personal interaction with your followers. Take to Stories when you have a pop-up sale or behind-the-scenes content to share. These quick snippets feed directly to your followers and are a great way to make your audience feel connected to the brand. 

Pro Tip: Leverage humor and timely content to resonate with your audience. Humorous captions, facial expressions and viral GIFs invite your audience into the moment. 

YouTube: The King of Video. Are you on the YouTube train? If not, you really need to think about climbing aboard. YouTube boasts 3.9 billion videos on their platform and is the ultimate stage to showcase your expertise. The versatility of the platform allows for endless, collectible possibilities (get a YouTube channel!) for creative content for those who would rather watch than read. While it depends on your product and message, the majority of YouTube videos thrive at 8-15 minutes. This keeps viewers engaged and allows you to get in-depth without going overboard. 

Pro Tip: Collaborate with different content creators to get maximum visibility for your videos. This can bring in fresh energy and different perspectives. Then start your YouTube content calendar! Link.

Post Hurricane WAPA Informational Video

In the ever-changing world of social media, video reigns supreme and we don’t see that changing anytime soon. Grab your phone and jump right in. Here are some editing tips to get you started.