Choice Wireless Data Hog

Battling the wireless giants with humor and unusual actors to stand out in a crowded industry.

The Brief

In the world of wireless telecommunications, the shared data family plan is one of the more ubiquitous offers that huge wireless carriers promote. Through personal experience and a little bit of market research we realized that these plans aren’t always what they seem. Inevitably there’s someone on the plan that uses more data than anyone else – a Data Hog if you will. We recommended that Choice Wireless focus on the individual subscriber and speak directly to them. Each new subscriber was offered 10GB of data per month, far more than the competition offered at the same price point, creating a unique and attractive sales advantage.

The work

Video — Digital Display Ads

In-Stream and Display



We assembled a talented cast of actors for the photo and video shoots. To deliver the campaign message we literally employed a hog – affectionately know as “E.J.” — as the fourth member of the family to play the Data Hog. The end result was a series of ads and video assets bursting with humor and charm thanks to our four-legged star. We ran the video spots on both YouTube and Pandora resulting in a 22% increase in traffic to the Choice Wireless website during the campaign’s lifecycle.